应569vip威尼斯游戏应用力学研究所的邀请,国际热应力杂志《Journal of Thermal Stresses》主编,美国罗切斯特理工大学(Rochester Institute of Technology)荣休教授R. B. Hetnarski于6月9日下午3:30在569vip威尼斯游戏玉泉校区教12-118会议室作了题为“Coupled Thermoelasticity – Problem for a Space”的学术报告。
Hetnarski教授首先简要分析了经典非耦合热弹性理论的特点,指出其存在两个明显的缺陷,即(1)无法解释诸如金属试件在拉伸过程会发烫的现象,和(2)热的传播速度表现为无限大。第一个缺陷可以由耦合的热弹性理论予以克服,通过增加适当的耦合项,理论上既可以预测由热致力,也可以预测由力致热。第二个缺陷可以由修改经典的傅立叶热传导方程加以克服,使其从抛物型改成双曲型。在此非经典热弹性框架内,Hetnarski教授介绍了他提出的基于算子理论的数学推导方法,可以方便地在频域内获得点源荷载作用下的Green函数,并给出了若干有趣的热应力分析结果。他在报告中也特地指出了《Journal of Thermal Stresses》的标志图案就来自其早年基于非经典耦合热弹性理论的计算结果。
R. B. Hetnarski教授不仅是热应力杂志的创刊人,也是国际热应力大会(International Congress on Thermal Stresses)的发起人。第十届国际热应力大会刚于2013年5月31日-6月4日在南京成功举办,我所陈伟球教授应邀作了大会报告。下一届热应力大会将于2015年在加拿大举行。
Dr. Richard B. Hetnarski, PE, is professor emeritus in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York. He received his MS degree in mechanical engineering from Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland, in 1952; his MS degree in mathematics from the University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, in 1960; and his degree of doctor of technical sciences from the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw in 1964.
In the period 1964–1965, he held postdoctorate fellowships at Columbia University in New York and at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. In Poland, he worked in the industry, including at the Institute of Aviation in Warsaw (1955–1959) and at the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (1959–1969).
In 1969, Dr. Hetnarski and his family emigrated from Poland to the United States, where he became visiting associate professor in the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, for the period 1969–1970. From 1970 to 1998, he held positions in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Rochester Institute of Technology, first as New York State Science and Technology Foundation Distinguished Visiting Professor (1970–1971), then as professor (1971–1992), and finally as James E. Gleason Professor (1992–1998).
In 1979, Dr. Hetnarski held a summer faculty fellowship at the NASA Lewis Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio. Subsequently, he become a NASA employee, and as an aeronautical engineer worked at NASA until the end of January 1980. Later, he spent five months as visiting professor at the University of Paderborn in Germany. He also taught a UNESCO sponsored course on thermoelasticity at the International Centre for Mechanical Sciences in Udine, Italy.
Dr. Hetnarski is the founder and president of the International Congresses on Thermal Stresses (ICTS). These Congresses are held every two years, consecutively on three continents.
Dr. Hetnarski has been active in research, publishing, translating, and editing. He is the author of many papers on mechanics and mathematics. In 1978, he founded the Journal of Thermal Stresses, and has been its editor-in-chief ever since. He served for 13 years (1988–2001) as an associate editor of Applied Mechanics Reviews. He is also the author of three books, including two textbooks: Thermal Stresses (by N. Noda, R. B. Hetnarski, and Y. Tanigawa), 2nd edn., Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, FL, 2003; and Thermal Stresses—Advanced Theory and Applications (by R. B. Hetnarski and M. R. Eslami), Springer, Berlin, Germany, 2009. He has translated three books from Russian, from German, and from English into Polish, and one (with M. Piterman) from Russian into English. He has also edited seven books on mechanics, including the five-volume Thermal Stresses handbook, which was published by Elsevier in Amsterdam and by Lastran Corp. in Rochester during the period 1986–1999.
During his tenure at Rochester Institute of Technology, Dr. Hetnarski served as a consultant to the U.S. Air Force at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, and to a number of industrial companies in the Rochester area. He also served as an expert witness in numerous legal product liability cases.