报告题目: Tetrahedral Mesh Generation: An Introduction and the State of the Art
报告时间:2012年12月25日(周二) 上午9:30-11:30
报 告 人:斯杭博士(Weierstrass Institute (WIAS) in Berlin)
In this talk, Dr. Si will give an introduction of some fundamental topics in tetrahedral mesh generation, and a brief review of the state-of-the-art algorithms and techniques developed for handling these problems. He will then talk some algorithms which have both theoretical properties and practical values. Experimental results regarding the practical behaviors of these algorithms are presented.
Hang Si is empolyed by Weierstrass Institute (WIAS) in Berlin. His main research interest is tetrahedral mesh generation and the discrete and computational geometry problems behind it. The goal is to develop efficient algorithms for automatically generating tetrahedral meshes suitable for numerical methods such as finite element and finite volume methods. He developed the software, TetGen, a Delaunay tetrahedral mesh generator. It is freely available for academic use.
Hang Si got his B.S. in Electrical Engineering in Hangzhou University in 1994, and got his M.S. in Computer Science in Zhejiang University in 2002. He joined the research group “Numerical Mathematics and Scientific Computing” of WIAS in 2002. He received his Ph.D from the Institute of Mathematics of Technische Universitaet Berlin in 2008.
斯杭博士受聘于德国WIAS研究所,十年来专注于四面体网格生成方法及其相关的计算几何问题研究。他所开发的开源三维四面体网格生成程序Tetgen是这一领域最受欢迎的开源程序之一,为诸多领域的计算机建模问题所采用。斯杭博士在四面体网格生成领域持续而富有创新性的贡献为其赢得了良好的学术声誉,他曾多次受邀在网格生成领域最受欢迎的国际会议IMR(International Meshing Roundtable)上就四面体网格生成开设专题讲座。