

报告题目:Simulation tool development based on boundary integral equation

报告时间:2010年9月17日(周五) 下午15:00-17:00


报 告 人: 张见明(J.M. Zhang)教授
  Within a successful CAE driven product development, there are two fundamental requirements: a seamless interaction between the CAD and CAE software tools and a fast solver for very large scale computation. The former is associated with the discretization of any complexly shaped domain into elements for a mesh-based method, such as the Finite Element Method (FEM) or Boundary Element Method (BEM). In the best case modifications in the CAD model can be transferred to the CAE model and vice versa. Unfortunately, there so far exists no standard approach to ensure a seamless interaction. The second issue is inevitable for a daily design process, as a complete simulation chain for practical problems usually involves very large scale computations and can be very long. This talk gives reasons why the present is the time to develop analysis tools based on boundary integral equation, and shows with a number of application examples how the newly proposed Boundary Face Method (BFM) facilitated with the Hierarchical Matrix and Adaptive Cross Approximation (ACA) can satisfy both the requirements properly.
  张见明,清华大学工学博士,主要研究方向为有限元法、边界元法、无网格法、边界积分方程快速算法、多尺度计算、计算机图形算法与三维可视化、大型CAE软件开发及其在大坝仿真和汽车车身设计中的应用。提出直接基于CAD几何模型的自动CAE分析算法:杂交边界点法、边界面法等。以第一作者身份发表论文50余篇,其中20余篇刊登在Journal of Computational Physics、International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering等国际计算力学杂志上。获清华大学优秀博士论文奖、日本科学振兴会研究员奖。